Class SAAJMetaFactory


public abstract class SAAJMetaFactory extends Object
The access point for the implementation classes of the factories defined in the SAAJ API. The newInstance methods defined on factories SOAPFactory and MessageFactory in SAAJ 1.4 defer to instances of this class to do the actual object creation. The implementations of newInstance() methods (in SOAPFactory and MessageFactory) that existed in SAAJ 1.2 have been updated to also delegate to the SAAJMetaFactory when the SAAJ 1.2 defined lookup fails to locate the Factory implementation class name.

SAAJMetaFactory is a service provider interface and it uses similar lookup mechanism as other SAAJ factories to get actual instance:

  • If a system property with name jakarta.xml.soap.SAAJMetaFactory exists then its value is assumed to be the fully qualified name of the implementation class. This phase of the look up enables per-JVM override of the SAAJ implementation.
  • If a system property with name jakarta.xml.soap.MetaFactory exists then its value is assumed to be the fully qualified name of the implementation class. This property, defined by previous specifications (up to 1.3), is still supported, but it is strongly recommended to migrate to new property jakarta.xml.soap.SAAJMetaFactory.
  • Use the service-provider loading facilities, defined by the ServiceLoader class, to attempt to locate and load an implementation of the service using the default loading mechanism.
  • Finally, if all the steps above fail, platform default implementation is used.

There are no public methods on this class.

1.6, SAAJ 1.3